G&S Construction Blog
April 2022
Most of the snow is melted and dig season is upon us. We are excited to continue building dream homes for our clients. The past 2 years have been a bit challenging with material delays, material price increases and the lack of people willing to work. Things seem to be evening back out a bit so we’re hoping for a great smooth building season.

April 2020
Spring has arrived in South Lake Tahoe and dig season is almost here. We are working through these times with extra safety precautions for our owners, employees and sub-contractors. Stay safe and healthy everyone!
February 2020
With the lack of snow we are pushing through on our projects! We tried out a new product for a clients house. Blue skin house wrap. Watch the installation video below. It helps keep the wind and water out of the house giving it better insulation.

December 2018
The snow has begun to fall here in Tahoe. We are working long, cold, days to get the roof on this custom house for a great local family.
September 2018
Though it is only September, the weather has changed in a hurry it seems. It is feeling more like October. We are rushing to get all of the digging and foundations in before the deadline. Things are looking great for the Fall and Winter months. We have some extremely happy and anxious clients ready to move into there beautiful new homes that are being finished up. Our job is so rewarding seeing those smiling faces.
Bring on Fall….maybe not the white Winter quite yet though!
July 2018
Summer is here, the sun is shining and we are getting houses built for fabulous clients. Not having to dig out makes production a lot faster.
Happy summer…back to work.

October 2017
….how can it already be October!
Well, this summer flew by. We had so many projects going we haven’t had time to update the web site. We are too busy keeping all of our clients happy! However, we completed, sold, watched families move in and started lots of new projects. Not slowing down anytime soon for us but the weather sure is getting a bit chilly. I am not ready for winter! I will try to update some pictures for all of our current projects…we do have more then one!

April 25, 2017
Still quite a bit of snow in some neighborhoods. Hopeful that dig season will start on time this year.
March 2017
We will not let all this snow hold us back. Time to dig out and get to work after this amazing Winter.
January 2017
The weather has hit us hard this week. We are still working on our projects as long as the roads are open. Please stay inside and be prepared!
November 2016
What a busy and beautiful summer here at the Lake this year. The thunderstorms held off for us all summer, but decided to show up the last week of dig season. We worked over time to get dig extensions and foundations in for our clients. It is always our top priority to take care of our clients and get our job done in a timely, thoughtful and reasonable manner. Dig season starts again in May so give us a call soon to reserve your spot for building in the spring.

July 27, 2013
This is one of the many great texts we receive from clients:
“Just to let you know we passed our final today. The inspector said that you are a great contractor and that your jobs are easy to inspect. This furthers my opinion that we made the best choice for a contractor. Thank you again for all of your help and patience.”
Our clients are amazing to work with. Thank you!