Good reputation for quality workmanship

We purchased our house when it was still in the process of being framed. There were some changes and additions that we wanted to make to the original plans. Garrick was able to give us an idea of what the changes would involve and what the costs would be in an accurate and timely manner. He was able to give us advice as to whether or not what we had in mind was a good idea or not. As construction continued and other concerns or questions arose, we found that Garrick was great at addressing issues quickly. He answered our questions in a way that was easy for us to understand. He was easy to reach, even on weekends. In speaking with others who have knowledge of the construction industry, we found that G&S construction has a good reputation for quality workmanship. As the house has now been completed we are very happy with the finished product. We feel that G&S construction has earned their reputation on the quality of their product and their customer relations. We would recommend G&S construction to anyone considering having a home built in Lake Tahoe.