by Hanna Bernard | Oct 19, 2017 | Blog
….how can it already be October!
Well, this summer flew by. We had so many projects going we haven’t had time to update the web site. We are too busy keeping all of our clients happy! However, we completed, sold, watched families move in and started lots of new projects. Not slowing down anytime soon for us but the weather sure is getting a bit chilly. I am not ready for winter! I will try to update some pictures for all of our current projects…we do have more then one! 
by Hanna Bernard | Apr 25, 2017 | Blog
Still quite a bit of snow in some neighborhoods. Hopeful that dig season will start on time this year.
by Hanna Bernard | Mar 19, 2017 | Blog
We will not let all this snow hold us back. Time to dig out and get to work after this amazing Winter.
by Hanna Bernard | Jan 19, 2017 | Blog
The weather has hit us hard this week. We are still working on our projects as long as the roads are open. Please stay inside and be prepared!
by Hanna Bernard | Nov 19, 2016 | Blog
What a busy and beautiful summer here at the Lake this year. The thunderstorms held off for us all summer, but decided to show up the last week of dig season. We worked over time to get dig extensions and foundations in for our clients. It is always our top priority to take care of our clients and get our job done in a timely, thoughtful and reasonable manner. Dig season starts again in May so give us a call soon to reserve your spot for building in the spring.